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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2003/0690/FL

Site AddressCaedmon 6 Echo Hill Sleights Whitby  


  • Application NumberNYM/2003/0690/FL
  • Site AddressCaedmon 6 Echo Hill Sleights Whitby
  • Property Address6 Echo Hill, Sleights, Whitby, YO22 5AE

Reasons 1

The proposed building, by virtue of its siting and scale, would result in an over development of the site which would be detrimental to the character of the area in particular in terms of its appearance in the wider landscape. The proposal would therefore be contrary to policy GP1 an GP3 of the revised deposit North York Moors Local Plan which requires that new development does not adversely affect the special qualities and character of the North York Moors National Park and respects the special qualities of the locality and wider landscape and to policy E6 which requires that proposals for homeworking comply with the terms of policy GP3 and H8.

Reasons 2

The proposal by virtue of the type and level of activity it would generate would be likely to detrimentally affect the amenities enjoyed by nearby residents and so be contrary to policies GP3 of the revised deposit North York Moors Local Plan.