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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2004/0486/FL

Site Addressland adjacent British Legion rear High Street Hinderwell  


  • Application NumberNYM/2004/0486/FL
  • Site Addressland adjacent British Legion rear High Street Hinderwell
  • Property Address132 High Street, Hinderwell, Saltburn-By-The-Sea, TS13 5HQ

Reasons 1

The proposal would result in the loss of an existing employment site/premises and therefore, in the absence of any information/evidence that the site/premises are incapable of beneficial re-use for economic purposes or the retention of the existing use would cause overriding environmental or highway concerns, is contrary to North York Moors Local Plan policy E3.

Reasons 2

The proposal is not regarded as infill development but rather back land development without a proper road frontage and out of keeping with the form, character and layout of the locality contrary to North York Moors Local Plan policies H1, H3 and GP3.

Reasons 3

The proposal, by virtue of its access arrangements and proximity to adjacent property, would have an unacceptable upon the amenities presently enjoyed by the occupants of those properties in terms of direct overlooking, loss of privacy and noise and disturbance generated by traffic movements to and from the site, contrary to North York Moors Local Plan policy GP3.

Reasons 4

The proposal is considered to represent an over-intensive development of the site, which would result in an unacceptable level of residential amenity that the future occupants of the properties could reasonably expect to enjoy by virtue of the cramped nature of development and the close proximity of the adjacent industrial units and the Royal British Legion Club, contrary to North York Moors Local Plan policy GP3.

Reasons 5

The proposal would compromise the comprehensive redevelopment of the wider area which at present does little to enhance the character and special quality of the Park contrary to policies GP1 and GP3 of the North York Moors Local Plan.