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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2005/0386/FL

Site Addressbarn to south west of Woodbine Cottage Beckhole 


  • Application NumberNYM/2005/0386/FL
  • Site Addressbarn to south west of Woodbine Cottage Beckhole
  • Property AddressBirch Hall Inn, Birch Hall Inn, Beck Hole, Goathland, YO22 5LE

Reasons 1

1. The proposed change to holiday use of this small isolated building located outside of a settlement in open countryside would introduce a level and type of residential and domestic activity which is inappropriate and out of character with the building and its surroundings and which would detract from the special qualities and character of this part of the National Park which the Local Planning Authority has a statutory duty to enhance and conserve. The proposal would therefore be contrary to Policy BE15 and Policy GP3 of the North York Moors Local Plan.

Reasons 2

The approval of the change of use of this small isolated building for holiday accommodation would make it more difficult for the Local Planning Authority to refuse similar applications which would result in the introduction of inappropriate domestic activity into the open countryside to the detriment of the special qualities of the National Park contrary to the objectives of Policy BE15 of the Local Plan.