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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2006/1004/FL

Site AddressSneaton Hall Beacon Way Sneaton 


  • Application NumberNYM/2006/1004/FL
  • Site AddressSneaton Hall Beacon Way Sneaton
  • Property AddressSneaton Hall Hotel, Sneaton, Whitby, YO22 5HP

Reasons 1

The proposal would constitute an undesirable extension of urban development on the north edge of the village and be out of character with the existing linear pattern of development. As such the development would be contrary to Policy H1 of the Local Plan which restricts development to small infill plots on a road frontage within the existing built up areas of the village and detract from the special qualities of the North York Moors National Park.

Reasons 2

If permitted the development could encourage similar applications for residential development on backland sites outside the general pattern of development. Such applications would by reason of precedent be more difficult to refuse so leading to a decline in the character of settlements in the National Park and an increase in development with poor amenity standards.

Reasons 3

The proposed development would have a detrimental impact on the setting of the adjacent Grade II listed building as the scale of the proposal would detract from and dominate the setting of the Hall. The proposal would therefore be contrary to Policy BE4 of the Local Plan which requires that new development does not adversely affect the setting of a listed building.