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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2007/0321/FL

Site Addressland north of Enterprise Way Whitby 


  • Application NumberNYM/2007/0321/FL
  • Site Addressland north of Enterprise Way Whitby
  • Property AddressP Hodson, Unit 7b, Enterprise Way, Whitby, YO22 4NH

Reasons 1

The proposed development by reason of its design, height, scale, layout and inadequate level of landscaping, would have a detrimental impact on the character of the immediate and wider landscape of the National Park. As such the proposal would be detrimental to Policy E8 of the Local Plan which requires that development has regard to its location within the National Park though its design and landscaping and also Policy BE6 which requires that new development respects and enhance the character of the area and is of a high standard of design.

Reasons 2

The proposed development takes no regard of the existing public right of way running through the site which would be built over and entirely obstructed if permission is granted. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policy T2 of the Local Plan which seeks to ensure that proposals which would obstruct a Public Right of Way will only be permitted where proposals provide for appropriate diversions to prevent the loss or fractioning of routes.