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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2007/0387/FL

Site Address2 The Bolts Robin Hoods Bay 


  • Application NumberNYM/2007/0387/FL
  • Site Address2 The Bolts Robin Hoods Bay
  • Property Address2 The Bolts, Robin Hoods Bay, Whitby, YO22 4SG

Reasons 1

The use of this outbuilding as a self contained holiday unit would result in the creation of an independant new dwelling unit which due to its location would have an adverse impact on the levels of amenity currently enjoyed by the dwellings on The Bolts and result in a unit of accommodation with poor levels of privacy and amenity. The creation of this small self contained unit would be harmful to the amenity and character of this part of the Robin Hoods Bay Conservation Area and contrary to Policy BE15 of the North York Moors Local Plan.

Reasons 3

Similar situations with ancillary outbuildings physically separated from the main house are a common feature in Robin Hood's Bay. Consequently, if approved, an undesirable precedent would be set leading to the creation of independent and semi-independent dwelling units with substandard levels of accommodation, privacy and amenity which could detract from the character of the Conservation Area and the amenity of nearby dwellings and is therefore contrary to the provisions of Local Plan Policy BE1.

Reasons 2

The physical and functional relationship of dwellings in Robin Hoods Bay with their outbuildings often separated by a footpath or access, is an important and essential part of the character of the Robin Hoods Bay Conservation Area. The creation of a seperate, independant use in the outbuilding would sever this historic link and lead to a change in the type and level of activity based in the outhouse and could lead to the severance of the functional and physical ties between the outbuilding and its host dwelling to the detriment of the historic character of the village and contrary to Policy BE1 of the North York Moors Local Plan which seeks to ensure that development within Conservation Areas preserves or enhances the character and appearance of that area.