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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2007/0422/OU

Site Addressrear of Glebe Cottage Thorpe Lane Robin Hoods Bay 


  • Application NumberNYM/2007/0422/OU
  • Site Addressrear of Glebe Cottage Thorpe Lane Robin Hoods Bay
  • Property AddressGlebe Cottage, Thorpe Lane, Robin Hoods Bay, Whitby, YO22 4RN

Reasons 1

Due to the close proximity of the proposed dwelling to adjacent properties, it is considered that the proposal would be likely to result in unacceptable losses of privacy, outlook and private amenity space to existing properties and would constitute overdevelopment of the site. The proposal would therefore be contrary to Policy H1 of the Local Plan

Reasons 3

The principal means of access to the site is not laid out or constructed to a standard such that its adoption could occur as a highway maintainable at public expense. The proposal would therefore be contrary to Policy GP3 of the Local Plan which requires that development would not have an unacceptable impact on public amenity.

Reasons 2

The proposed development due to the modest size of the site would result in a cramped, overdeveloped appearance to this area of Robin Hoods Bay harmful to the character and appearance of the area and this part of the National Park and contrary to Policies GP3 and H1 of the Local Plan.