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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2007/0719/LB

Site AddressMoorsoms House Tommy Baxter Street Robin Hoods Bay 


  • Application NumberNYM/2007/0719/LB
  • Site AddressMoorsoms House Tommy Baxter Street Robin Hoods Bay
  • Property AddressWhitegates, Tommy Baxter Street, Robin Hoods Bay, Whitby, YO22 4RZ

Reasons 1

The proposed development is considered to be contrary to Policy BE3 of the North York Moors Local Plan which states that external alterations to listed buildings will only be permitted where it there is no unacceptable impact on the character and fabric of the building. Alterations should be sympathetically designed including the use of traditional materials and traditional construction methods. The proposed development, by reason of the overly decorative design and use of non-traditional materials and construction is considered to create an unsympathetic alteration to the detriment of the character and setting of the Listed Building.