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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2007/0800/FL

Site Addressland adjacent to Seafield House Whitby Road Robin Hoods Bay  


  • Application NumberNYM/2007/0800/FL
  • Site Addressland adjacent to Seafield House Whitby Road Robin Hoods Bay
  • Property AddressSeafield House, Whitby Road, Robin Hoods Bay, Whitby, YO22 4PB

Reasons 1

The site is considered unsuitable for residential development by virtue of its prominent and elevated character. The proposed development would be obtrusive and harm the character of this green space, the locality in general and the character and appearance of this part of the National Park. As such, the proposal would be contrary to the provisions of Policy H1 of the North York Moors Local Plan which seeks to restrict development to infill sites for local occupancy where the site comprises a suitable infill site where development would not adversely affect the amenity of the village, road safety and be in accordance with other Local Plan Policies and development control criteria.

Reasons 3

The existing access, by which vehicles associated with this proposal would leave and rejoin the county highway, is unsatisfactory since the required visibility of 2.4 metres x 45 metres in an easterly direction cannot be achieved the junction with the county highway and therefore, in the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, the intensification of the use which would result from the proposed development is unacceptable in terms of highway safety and as such conflicts with Local Plan Policy GP3 which seeks safe and convenient access for all developments.

Reasons 4

The proposed development would obstruct the course of a 3 inch water main which crosses the site. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policy U4 of the Local Plan which resists development that would have an unacceptable impact on public water resources.

Reasons 2

The proposals would be contrary to Policy BE12 which seeks to prevent the development of undeveloped sites where that development would have an unacceptable impact on visual amenity.

Reasons 3

The proposed development would be likely to cause unacceptable root damage to the large Sycamore tree within the site, which is likely to lead to a decline in its health and its premature death. This tree is of important amenity value to the area and should be retained. As such the proposal is contrary to saved Policy NE6 of the Local Plan.