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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2007/0856/FL

Site Addressland adjacent to the Wilson Arms Sneaton 


  • Application NumberNYM/2007/0856/FL
  • Site Addressland adjacent to the Wilson Arms Sneaton
  • Property AddressThe Wilson Arms, Beacon Way, Sneaton, Whitby, YO22 5HS

Reasons 2

The proposed development would have an unacceptable impact on the amenities enjoyed by the occupiers of the adjacent property, by reason of its height, siting forward of the adjacent property and close proximity of the flank wall of the proposed dwelling with the existing windows in the adjacent bungalow. The proposal is therefore contrary to saved Policy GP3 of the Local Plan.

Reasons 3

The proposed development would obscure the existing public views across the site of Whitby Abbey and the Headland and therefore harm the overall character of Sneaton village. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policy BE12 which seeks to ensure that new development does not have an unacceptable impact on the visual and amenity value of the site.

Reasons 1

The proposed development would be of an inappropriate scale and design, by reason of its massing and position, out of keeping with the existing form and character of the settlement and detrimental to the character of the local environment. The proposal is therefore contrary to saved Policy H1 of the Local Plan.