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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2007/1016/F/EIA

Site AddressOS Field 3618 bounded by Guisborough Road A171 B1460 and Barkers Lane Whitby 


  • Application NumberNYM/2007/1016/F/EIA
  • Site AddressOS Field 3618 bounded by Guisborough Road A171 B1460 and Barkers Lane Whitby
  • Property AddressVictoria Farm, Guisborough Road, Whitby, YO21 1TL

Reasons 1

The Local Planning Authority consider that the reasons put forward in favour of this site in relation to ease of operation from a highway and the highway safety aspect and the lack of a suitable alternative site outside the National Park are sufficient to justify this major development on this prominent open site within the National Park. Which if approved would significantly detract from the landscape character of this part of the National Park by virtue of its scale, urban nature, appearance, lighting and lack of adequate landscaping. The proposal is therefore considered contrary to the provisions of Saved policy GP2 of the North York Moors Local Plan which seeks to ensure major development is only permitted where there is an overriding national need for the development or an overriding economic benefit to the local community or that there are no reasonable alternative sites outside the National Park and that where such a need can be demonstrated the impact can be suitably mitigated.

Reasons 2

The Local Planning Authority do not consider that, having regard to the elevation of the site, the open nature of the site, rolling topography and exposed climatic conditions, that the proposed landscaping scheme would be likely to mature in the manner envisaged in the estimated 15 years envisaged to a level that would satisfactorily mitigate the impact of such a large urban development. As such the character and appearance of the locality would be severely diminished by the prominent and visually obtrusive nature of physical development which would be harmful to the landscape character, local environment and special qualities of the area contrary to the provisions of Local Plan Policy T10.