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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2007/1033/FL

Site Addressland adjacent Ryefield Cottage Ryefield Lane Scalby  


  • Application NumberNYM/2007/1033/FL
  • Site Addressland adjacent Ryefield Cottage Ryefield Lane Scalby
  • Property AddressThe Coach House, Hackness Road, Scalby, Scarborough, YO13 0QY

Reasons 1

The Local Planning Authority consider the character of the locality is one of loose knit sporadic development interspersed with undeveloped green areas and the site itself does not constitute an infill plot in accordance with Policy H1. If permitted, the development would encourage and itself contribute to the consolidation of this loose knit form and layout of this area together with the loss of public views of the countryside beyond to the detriment of visual amenity and the erosion of the amenity value of this relatively undeveloped, attractive space. As such, the development is considered contrary to the provisions of Policy E1 of the North Yorkshire County Structure Plan and Policies H1 and BE12 of the Local Plan which seeks to resist limited new development to suitable infill plots and to residential development which would have an unacceptable impact on the visual and amenity value of undeveloped sites.

Reasons 2

The Local Planning Authority considers that the proposed development would give rise to additional vehicles waiting in the carriageway and would thus cause interference with the free flow of traffic and consequent danger to highway users, contrary to Policy GP3 of the Local Plan.