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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2009/0362/OU

Site AddressLand to the north of Richardsons Row Mires Lane Newholm 


  • Application NumberNYM/2009/0362/OU
  • Site AddressLand to the north of Richardsons Row Mires Lane Newholm
  • Property AddressDanesfield, 3 Richardsons Row, Newholm, Whitby, YO21 3QS

Reasons 1

The site lies outside the main built up part of the settlement of Newholm and does not constitute an infill plot within the built up area of a settlement. If permitted this development would result in a loss of this currently open area and extend and consolidate this pocket of loose knit sporadic development at the edge of the village having an urbanising impact to the detriment of the character of the environment and landscape of this part of the North York Moors National Park. As such the proposal is contrary to Core Policy J of the North York Moors Local Development Framework which states that development will only be permitted on infill plots consisting of an otherwise continuously built up frontage within the settlement of Newholm and which do not harm the form and character of the settlement.

Reasons 2

The proposed development of a dwelling on the site having regard to the proposed site layout and footprint would be likely to result in an obtrusive and incongruous form of development which would harm the character and appearance of the locality. As such the proposal would be contrary to Core Policy A of the North York Moors Local Development Framework which requires developments to be in locations and of a scale which will support the character and function of individual settlements.