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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2011/0437/FL

Site Address5 Mill Lane Iburndale 


  • Application NumberNYM/2011/0437/FL
  • Site Address5 Mill Lane Iburndale
  • Property Address5 Mill Lane, Iburndale, Whitby, YO22 5DU

Reasons 1

The scale, height and massing of the proposed two storey extension is considered to detract from the character and form of the modest host dwelling and if constructed, would adversely impact on the level of amenity currently enjoyed by the occupiers of the neighbouring property whose garden is overlooked by No. 5. It would also present a dominant feature which would reduce the levels of daylight currently enjoyed by the occupiers of the property facing No. 5 Mill Lane. The development is therefore considered to conflict with the requirements of Development Policy 19 of the NYM Local Development Framework which seeks to ensure householder development does not detract from the character or setting of the host dwelling and that the residential amenity of neighbouring occupiers is protected.