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North York Moors

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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2012/0130/FL

Site AddressGrange Farm Staintondale 


  • Application NumberNYM/2012/0130/FL
  • Site AddressGrange Farm Staintondale
  • Property AddressGrange Farm, Staintondale, Scarborough, YO13 0EN

Reasons 1

The proposed wind turbines by reason of their number, height and visually isolated locations on the skyline, would constitute visually obtrusive structures in the open countryside which would be seriously harmful to the character and appearance of this part of the National Park. As such the proposal would be contrary to NYM Core Policy D which seeks to ensure that renewable energy installations are of a location, scale and design appropriate to the locality and to NYM Core Policy A which seeks to ensure that new development conserves and enhances and does not harm the Parks special qualities.