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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2013/0279/FL

Site AddressStable block at Rockhaven Newlands Road Cloughton  


  • Application NumberNYM/2013/0279/FL
  • Site AddressStable block at Rockhaven Newlands Road Cloughton
  • Property AddressRockhaven, Newlands Road, Cloughton, Scarborough

Reasons 1

In the view of the National Park Authority the proposed development does not accord with Development Policy 19 of the NYM Local Development Framework which only permits new build annexe accommodation if it is in the form of an extension, physically attached to the host dwelling. The proposed annexe would be created through the conversion of a newly built stable and garage building and consequently, the development would effectively constitute a new build unit of accommodation, and along with the creation of a separate domestic curtilage and new vehicular access across an open field, would result in a harmful and urbanising form of development which would significantly alter the open aspect of this part of the National Park.

Reasons 2

In the view of the National Park Authority this proposal, which effectively comprises a new independent dwelling set within its own curtilage and with its own separate vehicular access does not accord with the NYM Core Policy J of the Local Development Framework which specifies that new housing development located outside the main built up part of any village be restricted to agricultural workers dwellings only.

Reasons 3

In the view of the National Park Authority, the proposal does not accord with Development Policy 8 of the NYM Local Development Framework which only permits the conversion of buildings to other uses, including residential annexes or local occupancy dwellings, where the building is of architectural or historic importance, and the development does not lead to changes to the buildings curtilage or the creation of a new vehicular access.

Reasons 4

In the view of the National Park Authority the engineering works required to enable the proposed access to meet highway safety standards would have a significant impact on the rural character of the locality to the detrimental of the character of the area and would therefore be contrary to Development Policy 3 of the NYM Local Development Framework.