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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2013/0561/FL

Site Addressland adjacent Morfa Cottage Station Road Hawsker 


  • Application NumberNYM/2013/0561/FL
  • Site Addressland adjacent Morfa Cottage Station Road Hawsker
  • Property AddressMorfa Cottage, Station Road, Hawsker, Whitby, YO22 4LB

Reasons 1

In the view of the National Park Authority the proposed construction of one dwelling on the application site does not accord with NYM Core Policy J of the Local Development Framework which specifies that new housing development in Hawsker be restricted to infill sites only which are defined as a small gap within a continuously built up frontage within the main built up settlement which can accommodate no more than one dwelling and would result in a harmful and urbanising form of development which would significantly alter the open aspect of this area outside the main built up part of Hawsker.

Reasons 2

The proposed construction of a dwelling outside the main settlement limits of the village of Hawsker would be contrary to NYM Core Policy J of the Local Development Framework because there is no evidence to prove that the dwelling is essential for farming, forestry or other essential land management activities.

Reasons 3

The proposed siting of a dwelling, design, scale and materials proposed would not respect the character of the immediate locality and would be detrimental to the open nature of the locality detracting from the distinctive character of the National Park and therefore contrary to Development Policy 3.

Reasons 4

The Local Planning Authority considers that clear visibility of 103 metres cannot be achieved along the public highway in south easterly direction from a point 2.4 metres from the carriageway edge measured down the centre line of the access road and consequently traffic generated by the proposed development would be likely to create conditions prejudicial to highway safety and therefore would be contrary to NYM Development Policy 23.

Reasons 5

The Local Planning Authority considers that in the absence of adequate on-site parking space the proposed development would be likely to result in vehicles being parked outside the site on the county highway to the detriment of safety and the free flow of traffic and therefore would be contrary to NYM Local Development Framework Policy 23.