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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2014/0198/EIA

Site AddressThirlsey Farm, Silpho  


  • Application NumberNYM/2014/0198/EIA
  • Site AddressThirlsey Farm, Silpho
  • Property AddressThirlsey Farm, Suffield, Scarborough, YO13 0JR

Reasons 3

Insufficient information has been submitted to demonstrate that the proposal would not damage or destroy the interest features for which Cockrah Wood, Raincliffe & Forge Valley Woods, Robin Hoods Bay: Maw Wyke to Beast Cliff and North York Moors SSSIs have been notified particularly by reason of reduced air quality as a result of the pig farm. As such the development would be contrary to Core Policy C of the Local Development Framework which seeks to conserve and enhance the natural environment and the biological and geological diversity of the Park.

Reasons 3

The levels of activity that would result from large vehicular movements associated with the transportation of livestock to and from the new building would be detrimental to the peaceful character of the locality and the amenities enjoyed by the occupiers of adjoining residential property. The proposal would therefore be contrary to Core Policy A of the North York Moors Local Development Framework which seeks to ensure that development will not have an adverse impact on the peace and tranquillity of the Park, nor detract from quality of life of local residents.

Reasons 1

By virtue of its size, bulk and isolated location detached from the main farm buildings in open countryside, the proposed building is considered to have a seriously detrimental impact on the character and appearance of this rural landscape within the National Park. As such the development would be contrary to Core Policy A and Development Policies 3 and 12 of the Local Development Framework which seek to minimise sporadic development in the countryside and conserve the special character of the National Park and ensure agricultural development respects the character and appearance of the area.

Reasons 2

The proposed development would have a detrimental impact on the quality of life enjoyed by neighbouring residential properties, by reason of the harm caused to the peace and tranquillity of this part of the Park and the level of activity that would result from the movement of pigs. As such the development would be contrary to Core Policy A of the Local Development Framework.