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North York Moors

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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2014/0840/FL

Site AddressFoxhill Paddocks, Low Road, Throxenby 


  • Application NumberNYM/2014/0840/FL
  • Site AddressFoxhill Paddocks, Low Road, Throxenby
  • Property AddressFoxhill Paddocks, Low Road, Throxenby, Scarborough, YO12 5TD

Reasons 1

The Local Planning Authority considers that the proposal would result in the loss of a live-work unit aimed at diversifying the rural economy and would create an open market dwelling in the open countryside contrary to Core Policy J of the Local Development Framework which only permits the conversion of traditional rural buildings in open countryside for residential letting for local needs.

Reasons 2

No justification for the loss of the economic use or evidence of marketing of the property for its current mixed use has been submitted to demonstrate that there is no demand for such B1 (Business) and associated living accommodation in this area of the National Park contrary to the requirements of Development Policy 11 which seeks to resist the loss of employment and training facilities unless the premises are no longer capable of re-use for economic purposes, or the new use would result in significant improvement to the environment or to access and highway arrangement which outweighs the loss of employment land.