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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2016/0279/FL

Site Addressland to the rear of High Street, off Egton Lane, Egton 


  • Application NumberNYM/2016/0279/FL
  • Site Addressland to the rear of High Street, off Egton Lane, Egton
  • Property Address

Reasons 1

The Planning Authority considers that clear visibility of 120 metres cannot be achieved along the public highway from a point 2 metres from the carriageway edge measured down the centre line of the minor/access road and consequently traffic generated by the proposed development would be likely to create conditions prejudicial to highway safety. The development therefore fails to comply with Core Policy A which seeks to deliver only sustainable developments which are of a scale and level of activity that will not have an unacceptable impact on the wider landscape or the quiet enjoyment, peace and tranquillity of the Park, nor detract from the quality of life of local residents or the experience of visitors. Allowing the proposal would mean that the Authority would be failing in its duty and create a new access that would be highly unsafe.