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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2016/0397/FL

Site Address1 Ivy Cottage, Green End, Goathland 


  • Application NumberNYM/2016/0397/FL
  • Site Address1 Ivy Cottage, Green End, Goathland
  • Property Address

Reasons 1

The scale, massing and detailing of the proposed two storey extension with forward projected gable is considered to detract from the linear character and form of the existing simple vernacular railway style cottages and their landscape setting. The development is considered to conflict with the requirements of Development Policy 19 of the NYM Core Strategy and Development Plan Documents and Part 2 of the Design Guide which states that irrespective of size, all buildings have a threshold point beyond which its further extension is not possible without jeopardising and possibly destroying the integrity of its original character. The proposal for around a 200% extension would also be contrary to the design guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework as it would harm the character of this historic vernacular building.

Reasons 2

The proposed glass link between the existing dwelling and the proposed extension would create a prominent feature in the dale especially when lit up at night. Development Policy 1 of the NYM Local Development Framework states that applications should conserve and enhance the special qualities of the North York Moors National Park and should not generate an unacceptable level of light pollution. The National Park Management Plan confirms that tranquillity, dark skies at night and clear unpolluted air are some of the special qualities which are also protected by Policy E20 of the Management Plan.