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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2016/0696/FL

Site AddressThe Manse, Thorpe Bank, Fylingthorpe 


  • Application NumberNYM/2016/0696/FL
  • Site AddressThe Manse, Thorpe Bank, Fylingthorpe
  • Property AddressThe Manse, Thorpe Bank, Fylingthorpe, Whitby, YO22 4UA

Reasons 1

The proposed dormer windows to the front and rear elevations, by virtue of their form, size, massing, position and poor design detailing, along with the unsympathetic conservatory extension and associated flue would add to the existing visual clutter and cause significant harm to the character and appearance of this attractive and substantial historic property and that of the surrounding conservation area contrary to Core Policy G and Development Policies 3, 4 and 19. It would also conflict with the Authority's adopted Design Guide Part 2: Extensions and Alterations to Dwellings. These policies and guidance aim to ensure that new development achieves a high standard of design, which reflects or complements that of the local vernacular and does not detract from the character, form and setting of the original dwelling.

Reasons 2

The proposed dormer windows to the rear elevation will increase the potential for overlooking of the neighbours garden and result in a loss of privacy thereby adversely affecting the residential amenity of the neighbouring occupiers contrary to Development Policies 3 and 19 of the Core Strategy and Development Policies Document.