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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2017/0016/FL

Site AddressCottage One, Dunsley Hall, Dunsley Lane, Dunsley 


  • Application NumberNYM/2017/0016/FL
  • Site AddressCottage One, Dunsley Hall, Dunsley Lane, Dunsley
  • Property AddressDunsley Lodge, Dunsley Lane, Dunsley, Whitby, YO21 3TL

Reasons 1

The part of the development which seeks to alter the height of the approved decking would have an adverse impact on the residential amenity of neighbouring residents by reason of overlooking and result in the loss of private amenity for occupiers of The Cottage. The varied means of access, height and depth comprises a contrived and alien feature that is not characteristic of the property and wider site setting. The development is therefore contrary to Development Policy 3 of the NYM Core Strategy and Development Management Policy Documents which requires proposals to be compatible with surrounding buildings and will not have an adverse effect upon the amenities of adjoining occupiers.