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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2017/0519/FL

Site AddressDalby Beck, Low Dalby Road, Thornton-le-Dale  


  • Application NumberNYM/2017/0519/FL
  • Site AddressDalby Beck, Low Dalby Road, Thornton-le-Dale
  • Property AddressDalby Beck, Low Dalby Road, Thornton-Le-Dale, Pickering, YO18 7LT

Reasons 1

The application site is situated adjacent to a private dwelling within a large clearing in the wider context of Dalby Forest and is visible from the adjacent Public Right of Way and from across the valley. Consequently the construction of a log cabin in this location would appear as permanent, incongruous development associated with a domestic property which would be detrimental to the character and appearance of this part of the North York Moors National Park where conservation of the special qualities takes priority. The development would therefore be contrary to Development Policy 16 of the Local Development Framework which only allows for such development within established woodland.

Reasons 4

The woodland that is in the locality is not in the ownership of the applicant and therefore the applicant would have no control over its future management and protection of this woodland, which would be essential in providing any screening of the development. If permitted the proposal by reason of precedent would make it increasingly difficult for the Authority to resist other chalet proposals with only partial screening thus leading to an erosion of the landscape character of this part of the National Park which is contrary to Core Policy G which amongst other things, seeks to conserve or enhance landscape setting.

Reasons 3

The retention of this temporary cabin would be contrary to the Development Policy 3 of the NYM Local Development Plan due to the poor quality design of the cabin which is incompatible with the surrounding buildings and landscape, to the detriment of the character of this part of the National Park.

Reasons 2

The log cabin to which this application relates was initially granted consent, contrary to Development Policy 16, for a temporary period only, to enable the redevelopment of the adjacent dwelling. If the permanent retention of the cabin were approved, the development would encourage other applications for the establishment of holiday chalets and tourist accommodation on land closely associated with existing residential properties in the National Park. Such accommodation would lead to a change in the character and appearance of residential curtilages contrary to NYM Development Policy 16.