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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2018/0176/FL

Site Addressland at Cedar Lodge, Egton Lane, Egton  


  • Application NumberNYM/2018/0176/FL
  • Site Addressland at Cedar Lodge, Egton Lane, Egton
  • Property Address

Reasons 1

Whilst Egton is identified as a settlement within the Settlement Hierarchy in the NYM Local Development Framework, the application site is well beyond what constitutes the main built up area of the nearby village, and therefore for the purposes of the policies in the Local Development Framework it falls within open countryside. Core Policies B and J of the NYM Local Development Framework restricts new residential development in the open countryside to that which is proven as essential for farming, forestry or other essential land management activities. The current application does not relate to an essential need to live in the countryside and the personal circumstances put forward to support an exception to normal policy are deemed insufficient to set aside the above planning policy which restricts new housing in the open countryside. If permitted, the proposal would represent 'sporadic' development in the countryside which would dilute the landscape, character and special qualities of this part of the National Park which is characterised by loose unit residential development interspersing agricultural fields and paddocks. This would conflict with Core Policy A of the Local Development Framework which seeks to conserve and enhance the special qualities of the National Park.

Reasons 3

The tree survey submitted with the application makes provides few details of the trees proposed to be removed within Area A and no reference to how the mature trees on the remaining site will be protected during development or how the scheme has been designed so as to reduce the pressure on the trees for removal in the future. These trees are considered to have significant amenity and ecological value in the locality and should therefore be appropriately managed as required by Core Policy C.

Reasons 2

The design proposed is not considered be truly outstanding or innovative and would not result in a significant enhancement to the immediate setting nor is it considered to be sensitive to the defining characteristics of the local area as required to by paragraph 79 of the NPPF which considers special circumstance for allowing isolated homes in the countryside.