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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2018/0818/FL

Site AddressHempsyke Cottage, Littlebeck Lane, Littlebeck  


  • Application NumberNYM/2018/0818/FL
  • Site AddressHempsyke Cottage, Littlebeck Lane, Littlebeck
  • Property AddressHempsyke Cottage, Littlebeck Lane, Sneaton, Whitby, YO22 5HY

Reasons 1

By reason of its height, scale, mass and stark finish the garage is considered to dominate the host property and site having a detrimental effect on the setting of the property and visual amenity of the immediate and wider landscape. The absence of natural stone in the construction and appropriate roof detailing results in an unusually boxy structure on the site lacking the architectural relief which is characteristic of the site. Consequently, the proposal is considered to be contrary to the aims of Core Policy A, Development Policy 3 and Development Policy 19 of the NYM Core Strategy and Development Policies Document, together with the advice contained within Part 2 of the Authority's adopted Design Guide