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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2019/0157/FL

Site Address6 The Cliff, Iburndale  


  • Application NumberNYM/2019/0157/FL
  • Site Address6 The Cliff, Iburndale
  • Property Address6 The Cliff, Iburndale, Whitby, YO22 5DS

Reasons 1

The site, located within Iburndale, is considered to be outside of the any settlement listed in the National Park's Settlement Hierarchy and as such lies within open countryside for new housing purposes. The development of this plot would be considered to be wholly out of keeping with the form and grain of the pattern of development within the locality. If permitted, this tandem form of development would not only result in the loss of an open space, it would urbanise and intensify the density of development in the locality which would be considered to be out of keeping and detrimental to the verdant rural character of the environment and landscape of this part of the North York Moors National Park.

Reasons 4

If approved, the proposal would make it increasingly difficult for the Local Planning Authority to resist future applications for new housing on inappropriate sites which would cumulatively pose a major threat to the character, special qualities and distinctiveness of the more rural settlements of the National Park and therefore have a detrimental impact the wider landscape of the Park, contrary to the aims of Core Policy B of the North York Moors Core Strategy and Development Plan Policies.

Reasons 3

The development, by means of its scale, height, massing, materials and design is not considered to preserve or enhance the streetscene or vernacular setting that contribute to the character and quality of the wider environment. As a result, the development would result in the loss of an open space which is considered to contribute to the amenity, character and setting of the wider setting of Iburndale contrary to the provisions of Development Policy 3 of the North York Moors Core Strategy and Development Plan Policies.

Reasons 2

Core Policy J seeks to ensure that the limited opportunities for housing development in villages are restricted to proposals supporting the development of local needs housing and requires applicants to demonstrate that the needs of the identified occupant are genuine, that the proposal represents the most practical and sustainable. It has not been demonstrated that there is need for a local occupancy dwelling at this location.