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North York Moors

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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2021/0351/OU

Site AddressLand west of Highfield, Sled Gates, Fylingthorpe 


  • Application NumberNYM/2021/0351/OU
  • Site AddressLand west of Highfield, Sled Gates, Fylingthorpe
  • Property Address

Reasons 1

The Planning Authority considers that clear visibility of 68.2metres cannot be achieved along the public highway in a southern direction from a point 2 metres from the carriageway edge measured down the centre line of the access road and consequently traffic generated by the proposed development would be likely to create conditions prejudicial to highway safety. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policy CO2 and CO7 of the North York Moors Local Plan which only permits new development where it is of a scale which the adjacent road network has the capacity to serve without detriment to highway safety.

Reasons 2

The existing roadside hedgerow classifies as being a habitat of importance (under the NERC Act) and therefore its proposed removal would result in habitat loss, contrary to the National Parks Statutory Purposes as set out in Strategic Policy A and Policy ENV1 of the NYM Local Plan, which states that there will be a presumption in favour of the retention and enhancement of existing hedgerows of value on all developments.