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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2021/0426/FL

Site AddressEllerbeck House, Priestmans Lane, Thornton le Dale 


  • Application NumberNYM/2021/0426/FL
  • Site AddressEllerbeck House, Priestmans Lane, Thornton le Dale
  • Property Address

Reasons 1

By reason of scale, form, design and position of the proposed development, the proposal is considered to be contrary to Strategic Policy C and Policy CO17 of the Authority's Adopted Policies within the NYM Local Plan, together with the Authority's adopted Design Guide Part 2: Extensions and Alterations to Dwellings. These policies and guidance seek to ensure that new development achieves a high standard of design which is compatible with the scale and character of the host property and its setting. In this case, the proposal seeks to add a further addition to a modern extension projecting from the garage and consequently, its scale and design is not considered to reflect the character of the host building nor the linear form of the whole site.

Reasons 2

Taken together with the existing extensions, the proposal is considered likely to exceed the amount of new habitable floor area permitted under NYM Local Plan Policy CO17. Although the agent has submitted figures in support of the proposal, insufficient information has been provided within the application process to enable the Authority to make a full assessment of this issue and therefore it is not considered that part 3(a) of NYM Local Plan Policy CO17 has adequately been met.