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North York Moors

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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2021/0937/FL

Site AddressRock Haven, Newlands Road, Cloughton  


  • Application NumberNYM/2021/0937/FL
  • Site AddressRock Haven, Newlands Road, Cloughton
  • Property AddressRockhaven, Newlands Road, Cloughton, Scarborough, YO13 0AR

Reasons 1

The proposed new access track by reason of its route across an open field outside the domestic curtilage, would result in a harmful and urbanising form of development which would significantly alter the open aspect of this part of the National Park and be detrimental to the streetscene. Furthermore it has not been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority that there is compelling evidence to support the creation of a new access track. As such it would be contrary to the provisions of NYM Local Plan Policy BL6.