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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2021/1005/FL

Site Addressland rear of Cross Farm Buildings, High Street, Egton 


  • Application NumberNYM/2021/1005/FL
  • Site Addressland rear of Cross Farm Buildings, High Street, Egton
  • Property Address

Reasons 1

The site is not considered to form a suitable small site as it is not well related to the scale, form and grain of the existing surrounding residential development (existing and approved) within this area of Egton and would be likely to have an overbearing and detrimental impact on neighbouring residential amenity. As such the proposal is contrary to Strategic Policy M and Policy CO7 of the Local Plan which seek to confine new housing development to suitable sites within the main built up areas of the settlements of the National Park.

Reasons 2

The proposal would create a large 3 bed dwelling with a total habitable floor space of over 150m2 which the Local Planning Authority does not consider would meet the identified need for smaller dwellings and would therefore be contrary to Policy CO7 of the Local Plan insofar as the limited opportunities for housing development would not be used to provide for the type of housing needed to maintain a sustainable local community.

Reasons 3

If approved, the proposal would make it increasingly difficult for the Local Planning Authority to resist future applications for new housing on inappropriate sites which would cumulatively pose a major threat to the character, special qualities and distinctiveness of the more rural settlements of the National Park and therefore have a detrimental impact the wider landscape of the Park, contrary to the aims of Strategic Policy G of the North York Moors Local Plan.

Reasons 4

In the absence of a speed survey to demonstrate that the access will not be unsafe, it is considered that the access would be harmful to highway safety for users of the highway, contrary to Policy CO2 of the NYM Local Plan.