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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2022/0915

Site AddressLand adjacent The Bungalow, Kingston Garth, Fylingthorpe 


  • Application NumberNYM/2022/0915
  • Site AddressLand adjacent The Bungalow, Kingston Garth, Fylingthorpe
  • Property Address

Reasons 1

The proposed development by reason of its siting, design, materials and overall massing would be a dominant feature and have a detrimental impact upon the general character of the street scene and detracting from the character of the locality. As such the development would be contrary to Strategic Policy C of the North York Moors Local Plan which seeks to ensure that development maintains and enhances the distinctive character of the National Park.

Reasons 2

Due to the layout of the proposal, the proposed garage would not be accessible by any car or van, and consequently, there is no justification to outweigh the harm that the proposal would have on the character of the locality and would not be in accordance with Policy CO3 which only permits new parking facilities where it is the only way to solve existing identified parking problems and will benefit the needs of both communities and visitors to the National Park.