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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2023/0063

Site Addressland adjacent to Willow Wood Way, Stainsacre  


  • Application NumberNYM/2023/0063
  • Site Addressland adjacent to Willow Wood Way, Stainsacre
  • Property Address1 Willow Wood Way, Stainsacre, Whitby, YO22 4PX

Reasons 3

The proposal would create a large, four storey, four bed dwelling with a total internal floor space of over 370sq.m, which the Local Planning Authority does not consider would meet the identified need for smaller dwellings and would therefore be contrary to Policy CO8 of the Local Plan insofar as the limited opportunities for housing development would not be used to provide for the type of housing needed to maintain a sustainable local community.

Reasons 2

The proposed scheme fails to provide special justification as to why it should be considered to be acceptable, being contrary to the requirements of Strategic Policy M and Policy CO10 of the North York Moors Local Plan. It is also not considered to meet the requirements of Strategic Policy C of the North York Moors Local Plan which seeks to maintain and enhance the distinctive character of the National Park with development that is of high quality design that reflects architectural character and form of the local vernacular. Furthermore, it is also not considered that the design of the proposed building is of exceptional quality (that special justification may be considered to grant approval in accordance with Paragraph 80 of the National Planning Policy Framework which states that very occasionally approval may be granted for an isolated new dwelling where the design is considered to be truly outstanding and ground breaking).

Reasons 1

Policy CO8 of the North York Moors Local Plan only permits local occupancy dwellings on suitable small sites within the main built up area of a smaller village such as Stainsacre. The application site is located well beyond what constitutes the main built up area of the village of Stainsacre (beyond an exception site affordable housing development) and therefore would not comply with the criteria of Policy CO8, and for the purposes of the policies in the North York Moors Local Plan, the site falls within open countryside. Strategic Policy M and Policy CO10 of the North York Moors Local Plan restrict new residential development in the open countryside to that which is proven as essential for farming, forestry or other essential land management activities. If permitted, the proposal would represent 'sporadic' development in the countryside which would significantly harm the landscape character and special qualities of this part of the National Park. This would conflict with Strategic Policies A, B and M and Policy CO10 of the North York Moors Local Plan which set out the spatial strategy for development and seek to conserve and enhance the special qualities of the National Park.