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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2023/0139

Site Addressland adjacent Red Barn, Hawsker Lane, Hawsker 


  • Application NumberNYM/2023/0139
  • Site Addressland adjacent Red Barn, Hawsker Lane, Hawsker
  • Property AddressRed Barn, Hawsker Lane, Hawsker, Whitby, YO22 4LA

Reasons 1

The proposed development is considered to be contrary to Strategic Policy M and Policy CO10 of the NYM Local Plan which seeks to restrict new residential development in the open countryside to that which is essential to the needs of agricultural, forestry or other essential land management of a farming enterprise. The Local Planning Authority is not satisfied on the basis of the evidence available that there is a proven need for domestic accommodation in this location to meet such essential needs. As such, the proposal would represent sporadic residential development in the countryside which would undermine the Authority's strategic distribution of residential development.

Reasons 3

The existing access, by which vehicles associated with this proposal would leave and re-join the County Highway is unsatisfactory since the required visibility of 2.4 metres x 90 metres cannot be achieved at the junction with the County Highway and therefore, in the opinion of the Planning Authority, the intensification of use which would result from the proposed development is unacceptable in terms of highway safety.

Reasons 2

The Local Planning Authority does not consider the application site to be well screened in the landscape by either existing topography, buildings or well-established vegetation such that the siting of a caravan, would significantly detract from the character and visual attractiveness of the local ality. As such the proposal represents an incongruous form of sporadic development within a nationally protected landscape which would be visually intrusive and cause significant harm to the local landscape character contrary to Strategic Policy J and Policy UE2 of the adopted North York Moors Local Plan.