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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2024/0077

Site AddressWindy Ridge, Egton 


  • Application NumberNYM/2024/0077
  • Site AddressWindy Ridge, Egton
  • Property AddressWindy Ridge, Egton, Whitby, YO21 1UE

Reasons 2

The proposed extension to the existing outbuilding would not be in keeping with the host building in terms of its material finish. It is considered that the introduction of a rendered extension to the outbuilding would be harmful to the original character of the building, contrary to Strategic Policy C and Policy CO17 of the Authority's adopted policies, as set out within the Local Plan and Paragraphs 139 and 182 of the NPPF.

Reasons 1

The proposed camping pod, by reason of its siting and position outside of the domestic curtilage, would have a harmful visual impact on the surrounding landscape and would result in an encroachment of domestic development into the open countryside. The siting of the pod would also result in an unacceptable impact on neighbouring amenities in terms of overlooking. It is therefore considered that the proposed development would be contrary to Strategic Policy A Strategic Policy C and Policy CO18 of the Authority's adopted Policies, as set out within the Local Plan and Paragraph 182 of the NPPF.

Reasons 3

The proposed camping pod fails to meet the requirements for annex accomodation, as set out within Policy CO18 of the Authority's adopted policies, contained within the Local Plan, in that the unit is not physically attached to the main dwelling with an interconnecting door, nor is it located within the curtilage of the main residential unit.

Reasons 4

The proposed extension to the existing outbuilding, combined with existing extensions to the main dwelling, would result in a total increase in habitable floorspace that exceeds the 30% limit in Policy CO17 of the Authority's adopted policies, as set out within the Local Plan.