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North York Moors

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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2019/0431/FL

Site AddressSilpho Brow Farm West, Sur Gate, Silpho  


  • Application NumberNYM/2019/0431/FL
  • Site AddressSilpho Brow Farm West, Sur Gate, Silpho
  • Property AddressSilpho Brow Farm West, Sur Gate, Silpho, Scarborough, YO13 0JP

Reasons 2

2) Insufficient information on the horse rescue centre business model has been submitted to demonstrate that suitable mitigation could be funded/provided to resolve the impacts described above together with insufficient demonstration of intent over the last 6 months to improve the character and appearance of the site and surrounding lands reinforces the unacceptability of the proposal to take place in a protected landscape, which has the highest level of protection as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework paragraph 172 .

Reasons 1

1) The retention of the horse rescue centre would be contrary to Policies SP C, SP G, and BL1 as it has failed to demonstrate that it can operate without: i) causing a detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the local and wider landscape arising from poor winter land management leading to harmful poaching of the grazing fields. ii) resulting in unacceptable harm to the amenities of nearby residents and users of the nearby public rights of way in terms of traffic movements associated with the online sales, the excessive amount of external plant, and equipment and the ancillary volunteer caravan accommodation and volunteer amenity structure