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Refusal Reasons for Application - NYM/2021/0923/OU

Site Addressland north east and east of High Street, Egton 


  • Application NumberNYM/2021/0923/OU
  • Site Addressland north east and east of High Street, Egton
  • Property Address

Reasons 1

The site is considered to lie outside of the main built up part of the settlement of Egton and does not constitute a suitable small site as defined by Strategic Policy M and Policy CO7 of the North York Moors Local Plan in that the site is not located within the main built up part of the village and does not fit in with the existing pattern of the settlement. If permitted, this development would represent harmful sporadic development and extend outwards the main built up form of the village to the detriment of the character of the environment and landscape of this part of the North York Moors National Park.

Reasons 3

The site of the proposed car park is on agricultural land outside the main built up part of the settlement and would have a detrimental impact on the character of the locality. Furthermore, there is no adequate justification that the proposed car park would meet an identified need or benefit both the community and visitors to the National Park. The proposal would therefore be contrary to Policy CO3 of the NYM Local Plan.

Reasons 2

The site proposed for industrial units is considered to lie outside of the main built up part of the settlement of Egton and does not comprise the re-use of or small extension to an existing building. Furthermore it has not been demonstrated that the proposed industrial units would not result in noise disturbance that would be detrimental to the amenities of occupiers of existing or proposed residential properties. If permitted this proposal would be of a scale and in a location that would have a detrimental impact on the character of the locality and residential amenity contrary to Policy BL1 of the NYM Local Plan.

Reasons 5

If approved, the proposal would make it increasingly difficult for the Local Planning Authority to resist future applications for new housing on inappropriate sites which would cumulatively pose a significant threat to the character, special qualities and distinctiveness of the more rural settlements of the National Park and therefore have a detrimental impact the wider landscape of the Park, contrary to the aims of Strategic Policy B of the North York Moors Local Plan.

Reasons 4

The proposal development would be located on the edge of the Egton Conservation Area in an area which contributes positively to its historical values and would go beyond the development limits of the village, negatively impacting the existing archaeology evident on the HER and LiDAR. Furthermore the proposed design/layout of the housing, including features such as parking to the front, would not follow the form and grain of Egton, and would be very suburban in design, out of character with the locality. The proposal is therefore not suitable for such a prominent site in a North York Moors village, particularly given that it is also the gateway to a conservation area and its development would be to the detriment of the conservation area, contrary to NYM Local Plan Strategic Policy I and Policy ENV11.