The map displays the National Park area with Planning Applications, Article 4
Direction areas, Tree Preservations Orders (TPO), Listed Building
Points and Conservation
Areas. To start searching zoom in or out of the map use the zoom slider on the left of the map.
All information apart from the National Park boundary and Planning Applications
can be removed from the map by unchecking the tickbox against the layer name in the key box (top right).
The Map Key can be made visible by clicking on the key icon at top right of the map.
You can search by application number (eg if you know the full reference
NYM/2013/0062/MEIA or if only part of the reference is known %2013/0062%
- (the
percentage signs replace the unknown part of the reference) or by postcode.
Type the search text into the search box and click the Search button.
To zoom into a specific area you can hold down the shift key on your keyboard and
hold down the left button on the mouse and drag over the area
you want to view.
Once you have found the property you want to view you can click on the planning
applications on that property and view the information about them
in Planning Explorer. The
popup box contains the reference number and a link to the main Planning Explorer
site with details and documents
(if available) for each application.